The Authentick Training Centre provides training solutions for both business and personal development.

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First Aid

Activity First Aid - FAA Level 5 Award Scotland - 2 Day (SQA certified)

A First Aid course designed for those who have an interest in outdoor activities. This course covers life threatening conditions including CPR, bleeding control and choking.

Appointed Person - 3 hour (NUCO course attendance certificate – Not SQA certified)

First Aid Appointed Person training programme explains exactly what the role of First Aid Appointed Person requires a member of staff to do, as well as introducing best practice in the event of an accident or injury at work.

Basic Life Support - 3 hours (NUCO course attendance certificate – Not SQA certified)

The BLS course is a short course in Basic Life Support and is ideal for those looking to gain basic first aid knowledge and skills.

BLS & Safe Use of an AED - FAA Level 5 Award Scotland - 4 hours (SQA certified)

The very practical ½ day course will allow suitably qualified First Aid personnel to use the AED competently and with confidence. Not only does this course deal with the use of the AED, but also revisits some basic First Aid skills, including resuscitation. All students are offered a 3 year qualification, subject to assessment.

Catastrophic Bleeding Management (NUCO course attendance certificate – Not SQA certified)

This is an excellent workshop to equip learners in how to deal with Catastrophic Bleeding. It will advise on the inherent dangers associated with the use of Tourniquets and Haemostatic Dressings, whilst administering first aid in a high risk environment for the purpose of saving life. It has been developed to meet the requirements of industries that consider themselves to be at high risk following a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.

Defibrillation - FAA Level 5 Award Scotland (CPR & AED skills) - 1 Day (SQA certified)

This very practical course will enable your learners to use the AED competently and with confidence.

Not only does this course deal with the use of an AED but it also includes vital training in resuscitation and choking procedures.

Defibrillation Annual Refresher - Half Day (NUCO course attendance certificate – Not SQA certified)

This very practical course will enable your learners to use the AED competently and with confidence.

Emergency First Aid for Motorcyclists (EFAM)

During this one day course the rider will learn how to treat themselves if needed and give first aid assistance to a fellow rider if required. During the course you will learn relevant skills such as scene management, how to deal with suspected spinal injuries and helmet removal.

Emergency Response – Half Day (NUCO course attendance certificate – Not SQA certified)

The Emergency Response course is a short course in Basic Life Support and is ideal for those looking to gain basic first aid knowledge and skills.

Emergency Response - Sports Injuries (NUCO course attendance certificate – Not SQA certified)

This course has been designed to enable candidates to be able to deal effectively with a medical emergency until the arrival of a qualified first aider or the emergency services. It focuses on the typical injuries likely to occur during sporting activities. This course is highly popular with clubs such as Karate, Football, Rugby, Cricket, Zumba and other Keep Fit classes have been booking this course.

Emergency First Aid at Work - FAA Level 6 Scotland Award - 1 Day (SQA certified)

Course comprising a minimum of 6 hours of practical and theoretical training covering responsibilities; reporting; first aid hygiene; assessments; resuscitation; angina; heart attacks; choking; bleeding; shock; seizures; minor injuries and dealing with an unresponsive casualty. Compliant with Health & Safety Executive regulations

EFAW Re-qualification - FAA Level 6 Scotland - 1 Day (SQA certified)

SQA approved course. First Aid at Work refresher course for those who are currently qualified as a First Aider (EFAW) and wish to continue as an approved First Aider for another 3 years. This course covers all aspects of basic life support along with a range of First Aid conditions.

First Aid at Work - FAA Level 6 Scotland - 3 Day (SQA certified)

SQA approved course. All successful students will be issued an FAW certificate lasting for 3 years. This FAW course covers all aspects of basic life support including CPR, bleeding, unconsciousness, choking, head injuries, sprains and strains and a vast range of First Aid conditions that you may experience in the workplace.

FAW Re-qualification - FAA Level 6 Scotland - 2 Day (SQA certified)

SQA approved course. All successful students will be issued an FAW certificate lasting for 3 years. This FAW course refreshes and updates all aspects of basic life support including CPR, bleeding, unconsciousness, choking, head injuries, sprains and strains and a vast range of First Aid conditions that you may experience in the workplace.

First Aid Annual Refresher - Half Day (NUCO course attendance certificate – Not SQA certified)

A 3-hour refresher course recommended by the HSE to be taken annually for qualified First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders also covering Legislation; Equipment and Facilities; Responsibilities; Accident Reporting and Risk Assessment of First Aid Needs.

First Aid Risk Assessment - FAA Level 5 Award – Scotland - 1-Day (SQA certified)

This course will provide detailed information about the considerations and relevant factors in order to determine the needs and requirements and to ultimately produce a Risk Assessment of First Aid Needs for your business.

Immediate Management of Anaphylaxis - FAA Level 6 Award Scotland - 1 Day (SQA certified)

Covers the recognition and management of Anaphylaxis including using Oxygen and Auto injectors. This course is suitable for all First Aiders and healthcare professionals, as well as those in a high risk environment where such medication is available.

Oxygen Therapy Administration - FAA Level 6 Award Scotland - 1 Day (SQA certified)

This training enables users to administer oxygen safely and effectively, for casualties with breathing difficulties. Delegates will learn how and when to administer oxygen to a casualty and the safety concerns with carrying, storing and administering it. This course is suitable for qualified First Aiders, Emergency First Aiders, dental practitioners and dental care professionals, nurses, healthcare professionals and others working in an environment where oxygen is available for casualty welfare.

Paediatric Emergency First Aid - FAA Level 6 Scotland - 1 Day (SQA certified)

A new Level 3 First Aid course designed for those who have an interest in child and baby Basic Life Support but not necessarily governed by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) or OFSTED. This course covers life threatening conditions including CPR, bleeding control and choking..

Paediatric First Aid - FAA Level 6 Scotland - 2 Day (SQA certified)

A First Aid course designed for those who not only have an interest in child and baby Basic Life Support but who are also responsible for looking after them and who are governed by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and/or OFSTED regulations. This course covers life threatening conditions including CPR, bleeding control, unconsciousness, fractures, choking and a range of childhood conditions.

Mini Medics – Half Day – Course attendance Certificate – Non SQA Certified

This is a very basic introduction to First Aid and Defibrillation for children and aimed at children between the ages of 8 and 11, but it can suit children of any age.